gtk-engines =========== gtk-engines provides a central location for commonly used GTK+ engines. It currently supplies several engines and default themes for those which have one. THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT RELEASE ============================= This is an unstable development release, so there are certainly plenty of bugs remaining to be found. This release should not be used in production environments. Overview of Changes in 2.11.4 (since 2.11.3) ============================================ Hilights in this release include: - Moved default Clearlooks theme to the Gummy style - Minor improvements to the Glossy and Gummy style of Clearlooks - Radius support for menuitems in Clearlooks - Vertical handles for the Gummy style Sources ======= abaa9f20cde3aa978bba19644b879a56 gtk-engines-2.11.4.tar.bz2 c374b224291dcfe22fec6e8952ad9564 gtk-engines-2.11.4.tar.gz
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