Totem 2.19.2


Totem 2.19.2 is out.

Totem is movie player for the Gnome desktop based on xine-lib or
GStreamer. It features a playlist, a full-screen mode, seek and volume
controls, as well as a pretty complete keyboard navigation.

It comes with added functionality such as:
- Video thumbnailer for GNOME
- Video indexer for Beagle and Tracker
- Nautilus properties tab
- Web browser plugin

Changes since 2.18.0

Major features/changes:

- Add basic DVB support
- Add a plugin system
- Add the "On Top" plugin, to make Totem stay on top when playing a video
- Add the "Galago" plugin, to set your IM status when playing videos
  in fullscreen
- Move LIRC support, Media Players key support, and Telestrator to plugins
- Use xdg-user-dirs to add the Movies and Music shortcuts to the file choosers
- Make "Enter" dismiss the "Open Location" dialogue
- Move the play/pause button to the leftmost of the UI
- Make Totem only send ticks when playing, not when paused or stopped
- Use play/pause icons in the playlist to show the current state,
  as in Rhythmbox
- Allow capture a specific time in a movie using the thumbnailer

A complete (and long) list of changes is available at:


Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net> 

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