GtkSourceView and PyGtkSourceView 2.0.0 released

GtkSourceView is a library which extends Gtk+'s text widget providing
syntax highlighting and other features typical of a source code editor.

This new version of the library is an important milestone for the
project since it marks the beginning of a new stable series which is not
compatible with previous versions of the library (but it is
parallel-installable with them).

GtkSourceView 2.0 features a complete rewrite of the syntax highlighting
engine, providing a much more accurate highlighting for many languages
and in particular allowing to correctly highlight cases like php-in-html
or gtk-doc in a C file.

The new engine also supports style-schemes that allow to describe colors
to be used by the widget in a simple xml file.

Printing support that was using the obsolete gnome-print library has
been dropped, as a result GtkSourceView now depends only on GTK+ and
libxml. glib 2.14 or above is suggested so that GtkSourceView can take
advantage of the regular expression support built into glib instead of
falling back to an internal copy.


The PyGtkSourceView bindings are also available.


Hopefully other language bindings will follow soon.


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