[ANNOUNCE] gtkaml an Application Markup Language for GTK+Vala

gtkaml is an XML parser that extends the Vala.Parser and transforms
all your tags into a valid Gtk+ UI class described in the Vala

<VBox class:name="MyVBox" xmlns="Gtk" xmlns:class="http://gtkaml.org/0.2";>
      <Label label="_Hello" with-mnemonic="true"
             expand="false" fill="false" padding="0" />


    * compact XML syntax for describing Gtk widgets
    * code 'islands' (written in Vala) for signal handling and other
methods/signals/properties/ in your widget class (so you don't modify
the generated code ever)
    * doesn't depend on an external library at run-time (other than Gtk+)
    * much more readable than the usual UI boilerplate (e.g. you don't
need to worry about temporary variable names, or ever write hundreds
of lines of code/markup)

gtkaml requires glib-2.0, vala-1.0 >= 0.3.5, libxml-2.0, and gtk+-2.0

    * upgraded to valacompiler 0.3.5
    * fixed an issue that lead gtkaml considering a misspelled tag
with no content/subtags to be an attached attribute and then ignore it

Full release notes: http://code.google.com/p/gtkaml/wiki/ReleaseNotes
Downloads: http://code.google.com/p/gtkaml/downloads/list
Example: http://code.google.com/p/gtkaml/wiki/Example
Future Goals: http://code.google.com/p/gtkaml/wiki/DesignGoals#Future_Goals


Vlad Grecescu

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