GObject-Introspection 0.6.0

I'm proud to announce another release of GObject-Introspection.

Tarballs can be found at:

This release includes all the work we did during the introspection
summit. In short:

* Proper annotation support, which is mature and external libraries
  should start using it asap.
* We've tremendously improved the quality of the typelib, it's
  not feature complete yet, but it's getting pretty close.
* The scanner should also be considerably faster and should be able
  to most of the GCC extensions you can throw at it.
* We've added versioning to this release, you we can handle multiple
  versions of the same library.
* Many many bugs fixed:
    - Bug 551162 - giscanner does not recognize asm and __asm__
    - Bug 551737 - Fix strip_namespace_func to only strip prefix...
    - Bug 551744 - Non-GObject types aren't aggregating ctors and methods
    - Bug 552065 - Add deprecation annotation
    - Bug 552347 - Parse #defines constants
    - Bug 552370 - add one more test for unsigned as a type, not as a typ...
    - Bug 552370 - unsigned not scanned properly
    - Bug 552374 - Const strings should be identified in the gir
    - Bug 552380 - Array parameters should be marked in the gir
    - Bug 552384 - Use SHLIB_SUFFIX intead of G_MODULE_SUFFIX for Darwin
    - Bug 552390 - Handle capitialization like "DBus" more robustly
    - Bug 552393 - Note variadic functions
    - Bug 552566 - Add time_t type
    - Bug 552858 - versioning
    - Bug 554490 - g-ir-scanner gets confused by '\\'
    - Bug 554521 - scanner generates wrong names for enum members with...
    - Bug 554576 - scan problem with ev_selection_render_selection()
    - Bug 554632 - type tag for GType
    - Bug 554854 - The --typelib-xml and --inject options should reuse...
    - Bug 555293 - append library_paths to LPATH env variable to workarou...
    - Bug 555294 - Add support for multiple shared libraries per typelib.
    - Bug 555712 - Struct and union issues
    - Bug 555946 - Install a test module exercising all types, transfer...
    - Bug 556048 – Crash in g_irepository_find_by_gtype
    - Bug 556174 – parse types for lists etc
    - Bug 556185 - segfault on g_callable_info_get_return_type
    - Bug 556323 – transfer-ownership is wrong for functions returning co...
    - Bug 556331 - clean up includes handling
    - Bug 556358 - don't use libtool internals
    - Bug 556400 – Fails to build on OS X 10.4
    - Bug 556432 - transfer annotations and defaults
    - Bug 556433 – assume direction = out for int * parameters
    - Bug 556434 – unhandled interface/object/... member types
    - Bug 556541 – access union members through UnionBlob rather than...
    - Bug 556543 – reduce compiler warnings
    - Bug 556579 - union and struct name misresolved
    - Bug 556610 – giscanner/girparser.py drops parameter options
    - Bug 556732 – generate gir files consistently
    - Bug 556739 - transfer ownership
    - Bug 556777 - validate properties
    - Bug 556783 - change namespace handling to be more consistent
    - Bug 556795 - char ** regression
    - Bug 557076 - move typelibs to $libdir
    - Bug 557092 – Callback annotations not used
    - Bug 557241 – "throws" flag for functions
    - Bug 557377 – Add test to ensure annotations survive the roundtrip ...
    - Bug 557379 – g-ir-generate not writing the 'abstract' attribute
    - Bug 557405 – Use 'allow-none' consistently
    - Bug 557468 – Support for GI_TYPELIB_PATH
    - Bug 557623 - Constructors shouldn't be flagged as methods
    - Bug 557786 - support fixed size arrays
    - Bug 557788 – Return types for constructors in generated typelib bogus
    - Bug 557791 – g_irepository_require() could return a GTypelib *
    - Bug 558062 – provide and use paths in the .pc file
    - Bug 558065 – gitesttypes should be installed
    - Bug 558068 – when invoking a method, offset the in arguments by ...
    - Bug 558109 – _g_typelib_init fails to find shared libraries
    - Bug 558383 – builddir != srcdir build fails if giscanner python ...

The goal of the project is to describe the APIs and collect them in
a uniform, machine readable format. The initial target is language bindings,
which are heavy users of this kind of data.

Interesting parts of this release includes:

* GIR - An XML format used to describe APIs
* Typelib - a way to serialize GIR to disk
* libgirepository - C API to access typelib

GIR format is fairly stable, but expect small parts to change.
The typelib format is not complete and will be extended upon in future releases.

There are Perl, Python and Java bindings publicly available using
GObject-Introspection. The gir-repository provides GIRs for common
GObject based libraries (such as pango,gtk,gstreamer,clutter,webkit) until
the libraries themselves ship them.

I'd like to specially thank the following people, who made this release
possible: Matthias Clasen for the initial prototype and general design,
Jürg Biletter for writing a header scanner, Colin Walters for helping out
everywhere and making sure the release got done. Richard Hult & Tor
Lillqvist for testing and making sure it works on MacOS X & Win32.

See http://live.gnome.org/GObjectIntrospection and the README included
in the tarball for more information.

All contributors to this release:
Johan Bilien
Jürg Billeter
Johan Dahlin
John Ehresman
Tommi Komulainen
Jani Monoses
Lucas Rocha
Andreas Rottmann
Colin Walters
Dan Winship
Owen Taylor

GObject-Introspection requires flex, bison, python (2.5 or higher) and
glib. ffi 3.0.1 or higher can optionally be used.

Reports bugs to
Contract us at: gtk-devel-list gnome org or #introspection at irc.gnome.org
Homepage: http://live.gnome.org/GObjectIntrospection
Johan Dahlin

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