ANNOUNCE: Empathy 2.26.1

Empathy 2.26.1 is now available for download from:

b11976bcc7ebf704267b48e16c878667  empathy-2.26.1.tar.gz
1edc492c0fd339dc30f0a443adad5fbe  empathy-2.26.1.tar.bz2

What is it?
Empathy consists of a rich set of reusable instant messaging widgets, and a GNOME client using those widgets. It uses Telepathy and Nokia's Mission Control, and reuses Gossip's UI. The main goal is to permit desktop integration by providing libempathy and libempathy-gtk libraries. libempathy-gtk is a set of powerful widgets that can be embeded into any GNOME application.

You can visit the project web site:

What's New?
Bugs fixed:
 - Fixed #566905, avatar button is too tiny (Xavier Claessens)
 - Fixed #568562, ghelp link broken in documentation (Paul Cutler)
 - Fixed #575817, empathy_tp_tube_new_stream_tube should allow NULL as parameters (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #576375, empathy build fails due to missing file in documentation (Xavier Claessens)
 - Fixed #577825, empathy-tp-contact-factory: get_requestable_channel_classes_cb: fixed_prop is leaked (Xavier Claessens)
 - Fixed #577826, dispatcher_connection_ready_cb: capabilities is leaked (Xavier Claessens)
 - Fixed #577829, empathy_smiley_manager_parse: string leaked (Xavier Claessens)
 - Fixed #578356, Asserts when reconnecting to a chat room. (Will Thompson)

 - Updated Spanish translation (jorgegonz).
 - Updated th translation (tkaroonb).
 - Updated Simplified Chinese translation (fwang).

13 April 2009
Empathy team

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