libgdata 0.2.0 released

libgdata 0.2.0 is now available from:

3772ccf571ee0f5113934d83e51579e3  libgdata-0.2.0.tar.bz2
3eea9110621b091b5919c5a613274e99  libgdata-0.2.0.tar.gz

This release sees the introduction of a new Google Contacts service API,
as well as lots of API changes to the core, and to the Google Calendar
service. The core API is looking stable now, but there are likely to be
further changes to the service APIs.

Lots of small improvements have been made, such as the introduction of
ETag support to cut down on unnecessary queries, proxy support and
support for storing unknown XML elements. The API documentation is now
100% complete.

libgdata has moved to, GNOME Bugzilla and damned-lies.

See the NEWS file for an extensive list of improvements and API changes.

About libgdata

libgdata is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using
the GData protocol --- most notably, Google's services. It provides APIs
to access the common Google services, and has full asynchronous support.

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.1.0 to libgdata 0.2.0

Major changes:
* The updated entry is now returned when inserting an entry
* Entries can be updated with gdata_service_update_entry
* Entries can be deleted with gdata_service_delete_entry
* GDataService has proxy support with the proxy-uri property
* Redirects from the server are now handled correctly
* API documentation is now complete
* Unknown XML elements are stored and returned when building the XML for
an entry
* ETag support for entries and feeds
* Added a Google Contacts service

API changes:
* Added GDataEntry:etag, gdata_entry_get_etag
* Added gdata_entry_get_categories
* Added GDataFeed:etag, gdata_feed_get_etag
* Added gdata_feed_look_up_entry
* Added GDataGDWhen, gdata_gd_when_new, gdata_gd_when_free
* Added GDataGDEmailAddress, gdata_gd_email_address_new,
* Added GDataGDIMAddress, gdata_gd_im_address_new,
* Added GDataGDPhoneNumber, gdata_gd_phone_number_new,
* Added GDataGDPostalAddress, gdata_gd_postal_address_new,
* Added GDataGDOrganization, gdata_gd_organization_new,
* Added GDataGDReminder, gdata_gd_reminder_new, gdata_gd_reminder_free
* Renamed GDataQuery:strict to GDataQuery:is-strict,
gdata_query_get_strict to gdata_query_is_strict, gdata_query_set_strict
to gdata_query_set_is_strict
* Added GDataQuery:etag, gdata_query_get_etag, gdata_query_set_etag
* Added GDataService:proxy-uri, gdata_service_get_proxy_uri,
* Added gdata_service_update_entry
* Added gdata_service_update_entry
* Removed gdata_service_get_session
* Renamed GDataCalendarCalendar:hidden to
GDataCalendarCalendar:is-hidden, gdata_calendar_calendar_get_hidden to
  gdata_calendar_calendar_set_hidden to
* Renamed GDataCalendarCalendar:selected to
  gdata_calendar_calendar_get_selected to
  gdata_calendar_calendar_set_selected to
* Renamed GDataCalendarEvent:event-status to GDataCalendarEvent:status,
gdata_calendar_event_get_event_status to
  gdata_calendar_event_set_event_status to
* Added gdata_calendar_event_get_people
* Added gdata_calendar_event_get_places
* Added gdata_calendar_event_add_time, gdata_calendar_event_get_times,
* Removed gdata_calendar_event_set_edited
* Made GDataCalendarEvent:edited read-only
* Removed gdata_calendar_event_get_start_time,
gdata_calendar_event_set_start_time, gdata_calendar_event_get_end_time,
* Renamed GDataCalendarQuery:ctz to GDataCalendarQuery:timezone,
gdata_calendar_query_get_ctz to gdata_calendar_query_get_timezone,
  gdata_calendar_query_set_ctz to gdata_calendar_query_set_timezone
* Added gdata_calendar_service_insert_event
* Renamed g_time_val_get_type to gdata_g_time_val_get_type
* Added Google Contacts service API

Bugs fixed:
* Bug 579631 – Add G_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT to functions
* Bug 578661 – ETag support
* Bug 578662 – Support unknown XML elements
* Bug 578653 – self-test fails to build on glib-2.18.x
* Bug 578652 – Build failure: missing symbol: gdata_query_param_get_type

Updated translations:
* de (Mario Blättermann)
* en_GB (Philip Withnall)
* sv (Daniel Nylander)

Philip Withnall
April 24, 2009

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