gnome-applets 2.25.90

Changes in GNOME-Applets 2.25.90

*** NOTE ***

The mixer applet has returned to provide an option for those heathens
who have still not converted to the Church of Pulseaudio (and the
gnome-media version of the volume control applet).

 - Use ./configure --enable-mixer-applet to enable it. It is disabled
   by default.
 - Further development of the module will cease after this release cycle.
 - GStreamer 0.8 is no longer supported.


 - There is no explicit dependance on libgnome or libgnomeui. The former
   library will still be dragged in via libpanel-applet.

Accessability Applet:
 - Replace deprecated function calls and symbols (Maxim Ermilov)
Battstat Applet:
 - libgnome removal (Callum McKenzie)
 - Fix a reused error object that was causing crashes (Simon Brys)
Character Picker:
 - Replace deprecated function calls and symbols (Maxim Ermilov)
Mixer Applet:
 - UI cleanups (Callum McKenzie)
 - Remove gstreamer 0.8 support (Callum McKenzie)
Modem Lights:
 - This has been disabled completely until the build errors can be
   fixed. It hasn't worked for some time.
Stickynotes Applet:
 - Remove remaining libgnome code (Diego Escalante Urrelo)
Trash Applet:
 - Replace main function with a standard macro (Ryan Lortie)
 - Improve the context menu (Ryan Lortie)
Weather Applet:
 - Replace deprecated function calls and symbols (Maxim Ermilov)

 ca, es, es_ES, fi, hu, ko, lv, nb, or,  pt_BR

Documentation Translations:

Get it from:

 - Callum

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