[ANNOUNCE] Clutter 0.9.6 (core) - 1.0.0rc2, developers snapshot

hi everyone;

Clutter 0.9.6 is now available for download at:


MD5 Checksums:

  e8b92cfb5180935f1aba497948f37166  clutter-0.9.6.tar.gz
  30653168bca6d36a560562e14867b804  clutter-0.9.6.tar.bz2

Clutter is an open source software library for creating fast, visually
rich and animated graphical user interfaces. Clutter is licensed under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.

Clutter currently requires:

  * GLib >= 2.16.0
  * Cairo >= 1.6
  * Pango >= 1.20
  * OpenGL >= 1.4, OpenGL ES 1.1 or OpenGL ES 2.0
  * GLX, SDL, WGL, Quartz or an EGL Implementation

The official website is: http://www.clutter-project.org
The Clutter blog is at:  http://www.clutter-project.org/blog
To subscribe to the Clutter mailing list, send mail to: clutter+subscribe o-hand com 
The official mailing list archive is: http://lists.o-hand.com/clutter/
API reference: http://www.clutter-project.org/docs/clutter/0.9/


   o This is a development release of Clutter 0.9 leading towards the
     1.0 stable cycle. It is the second release candidate for the 1.0.0
     release: the Clutter high-level API is to be considered frozen, as
     well as the COGL low-level API.

   o This version is fully API and ABI incompatible with the previous
     0.8 releases.

   o This version is parallel installable with Clutter 0.8.

   o Installing this version will overwrite the files from the
     installation of a git clone of the current development
     branch (master).

   o Bugs should be reported to: http://bugzilla.o-hand.com

What's new in Clutter 0.9.6

    o Allow the manipulation of the actor's transformation matrix, so that is
      is possible to apply additional transformations in a way that is
      compatible with the transformations already applied by the scene graph.

    o Fix a race in the X11 backend that happened between resizing the stage
      drawable and the call to glViewport().

    o Merge the cogl-journal-batching branch; this branch implements batching
      the geometry of the elements of the scene graph before sending it to
      OpenGL, thus minimizing the number of state changes and improving the
      overall performance of Clutter-based applications.

    o Add more debugging states for Clutter and COGL, which allow the developer
      to track the state of the journal; to check the VBO fallback paths; to
      disable picking for reliable profiling; to disable software-side matrix
      transformations in favour of the driver/GPU ones.

    o Improve the ability to "break out" of COGL by using gl_begin/gl_end
      semantics; applications that drop into raw GL are, though, ignoring all
      the caching performed by COGL and might incur in performance issues.

    o Fixed the :load-async and :load-data-async properties of Texture by
      removing the unneeded G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT flag.

    o Added an initial migration guide that shows the porting process from
      older releases of Clutter to the 1.0 API; the first chapter deals with
      the migration from ClutterEffect to the new implicit animations API.

    o Fixed MT-safety for the master clock.

Many thanks to:

  Ole André Vadla Ravnås
  Tim Horton

Full list of changes since 0.9.4:

Damien Lespiau (2):
      [misc] Update headers #endif comments
      [cogl] Add COGL_HAS_GL and COGL_HAS_GLES

Emmanuele Bassi (14):
      Post-release bump to 0.9.5
      [texture] Revert to integer parameters in ::size-change
      [docs] Fix the ActorBox annotations
      [docs] Add an initial porting guide
      [docs] Update after the Input API changes
      Add more debug notes inside the master clock
      [actor] Remove unused clutter_actor_pick()
      Add debug notes for calls to glViewport()
      [x11] Fix the race between resize and glViewport calls
      Split the typdef to avoid confusing scanners
      [actor] Allow changing the transformations matrix
      [actor] Remove the unused get_allocation_coords()
      [docs] Update the NEWS and README files
      [release] 0.9.6

Neil Roberts (1):
      [test-shader] Fix some of the shaders to use premultiplied colors

Ole André Vadla Ravnås (1):
      [master clock] Fix MT safety issues

Robert Bragg (40):
      [vertex-buffer] Remove the COGL_INDICES_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT indicies type
      [vertex-buffer] Add cogl_vertex_buffer_indices_get_type API
      [test-cogl-tex-getset] Assume a premultiplied pixel format
      [cogl_polygon] fixes a buffer overrun and color format bug
      [debug] Adds a "nop-picking" clutter debug option to NOP _clutter_do_pick()
      [cogl matrix] Adds ability to dirty state cached by the client matrix apis
      [cogl] Adds cogl_read_pixels to replace direct use of glReadPixels
      [cogl-texture] use the right format when downloading sliced textures from GL
      [cogl] Give the default (fallback) texture a format of RGBA_8888_PRE
      [cogl] Remove unused ctx->polygon_vertices array
      [clip-stack] Use signed integers while combining window space clip rectangles
      [cogl] Improving Cogl journal to minimize driver overheads + GPU state changes
      [journal] Always pad our vertex data as if at least 2 layers are enabled
      [actor] Avoid modifying materials mid-scene to improve journal batching
      [rectangle] Avoid modifying materials mid scene
      [cogl material] optimize logging of material colors in the journal
      [cogl-color] Adds a cogl_color_equal() function
      [cogl-debug] Adds a "client-side-matrices" Cogl debug option
      [cogl] Force Cogl to always use the client side matrix stack
      [cogl] Adds a debug option for disabling use of VBOs --cogl-debug=disable-vbos
      [Cogl journal] Adds a --cogl-debug=journal option for tracing the journal
      [cogl journal] Adds a --cogl-debug=batching option to trace batching
      [Cogl journal] use G_UNLIKLEY around runtime debugging conditions
      [cogl journal] Perform software modelview transform on logged quads.
      [material] avoid flushing the journal when just changing the color
      [material] _cogl_material_equal: catch the simplest case of matching handles
      [pango-display-list] Use the Cogl journal for short runs of text
      [cogl] avoid using the journal in _cogl_add_path_to_stencil_buffer
      [journal] Don't resize a singlton VBO; create and destroy a VBO each flush
      [cogl] flush matrices in _cogl_add_path_to_stencil_buffer
      [cogl] disable all client tex coord arrays in _cogl_add_path_to_stencil_buffer
      [cogl-vertex-buffer] Disable unused client tex coord arrays
      Revert "[actor] Avoid modifying materials mid-scene to improve journal batching"
      Revert "[rectangle] Avoid modifying materials mid scene"
      [cogl-material] Be more carefull about flushing in cogl_material_remove_layer
      Adds a cogl_flush() to give developers breaking into raw GL a fighting chance
      [cogl] Improve ability to break out into raw OpenGL via begin/end mechanism
      Merge branch 'cogl-journal-batching'
      [cogl] Ensure well defined semantics for COGL_INVALID_HANDLE material layers
      [cogl] cache the viewport width and height

Tim Horton (1):
      Add element-type annotations for animate*v functions

Øyvind Kolås (1):
      [texture] fix load-async and load-data-async properties.

Have fun with Clutter!


Emmanuele Bassi, Intel Open Source Technology Center

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