Tegaki 0.2 released

*** Tegaki

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and
open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software,
specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and
Japanese, and that is suitable for both the desktop and mobile

*** Changelog

* tegaki-python: base Python library :
  - Renamed from "tegaki" to "tegaki-python".
  - Added CharacterCollection object.
  - Added Maemo-specific directories to the model search path.
  - Fixed #2793323 "tegaki should ship with ZPL license (or replace
  - Various bug fixes.

* tegaki-pygtk: base user interface library
  - Renamed from "tegaki-gtk" to "tegaki-pygtk".
  - Added WritingIconView widget.
  - Added set_draw_annotations() to Canvas.
  - Added a draw annotations option in the recognizer preferences.
  - Fixed #2693368 "no line drawn while writing stroke".
  - Fixed #2693349 "multiple searches in same pane don't replace candidate".
  - Various bug fixes.

* tegaki-recognize: Tegaki integration in the desktop
  - Added "--dont-quit" option.
  - Added "--simple" option.
  - Fixed #2693356 "killing window doesn't exit program".
  - Set windows icon.

* tegaki-train: Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
  - Initial release.

* tegaki-zinnia-japanese: Japanese model for the zinnia recognizer
  - Added model's original source files and build instructions.

* tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese: Simplified Chinese model for the
zinnia recognizer
  - Added model's original source files and build instructions.

* tegaki-tools: tools to convert data, train models and evaluate models
  - Initial release

*** Downloads


*** Homepage


The Tegaki project contributors

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