Announcing gnome-mag 0.15.8

* What is gnome-mag?

gnome-mag provides a command-line interface for standalone use, although its primary goal is to provide a set of magnification services for use by other client applications and assistive technologies.

gnome-mag 0.15.8 is a stable release that is good for GNOME 2.24.x and later.

* What's changed for gnome-mag 0.15.8?

* Fixes:
  #574174 - Remove deprecated libgnomeui dependency
            (André Klapper)
  #554162 - Install colorblind applet to pyexecdir
            (Marcin Banasiak)
  #562079 - needlessly links against gdk-pixbuf-xlib
            (Matthias Clasen)
  #580186 - Use gtkbuilder instead of glade
            (Pedro Fragoso)
  Various - git, doap, etc.
            (Jaap Haitsma)

* Translations:
  Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle (pt_BR)

* Where can I get it?

You can obtain gnome-mag 0.15.8 in source code form at the following:



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