Evince 2.25.92 released

* What is it ?

Evince is a document viewer.  It primarily displays pdf, though djvu,
tiff, dvi, impress slides, postscript and even comics archives are also 

More information can be found at http://www.gnome.org/projects/evince/

* Where to get it?

  md5sum: 330a6956e8dfcb1d967706922f581c98
 sha1sum: 9351497a524994f25e5e656c1c67986d01159e5c
    size: 2.7M

  md5sum: 5e0d0fc2d900856074b556e4eacc68e6
 sha1sum: 29814ca4af929dd6f3950ca9d431825862a6d2e4
    size: 1.8M

* What's changed since 2.25.91?

Bug fixes:

    * Show the 'jump to page' window in the right GdkScreen (#560541,
      Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Make our own thumbnail when the provided one doesn't have the
      needed size (#323198, #307357, Christian Spurk, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Reduce the restriction on the minimum size of thumbnails from 40
      to 1 (#323198, Christian Spurk)
    * Use GOption in thumbnailer (Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Fix saving a copy of encrypted PDF documents (#566791, Carlos
      Garcia Campos)
    * Don't use g_quark_from_static_string in a loadable module
      (Christian Persch)
    * Use g_object_unref() instead of gdk_pixbuf_unref() in impress
      backend (#571707, Thomas H.P. Andersen)

Translation updates:

    * Ihar Hrachyshka (be latin)
    * Alexander Shopov (bg)
    * Gil Forcada (ca)
    * Petr Kovar (cs)
    * Christian Kirbach (de)
    * David Lodge (en_GB)
    * Juanje Ojeda Croissier (es)
    * Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio (eu)
    * Ilkka Tuohela (fi)
    * Claude Paroz (fr)
    * Sweta Kothari (gu)
    * Yuval Tanny (he)
    * Takeshi AIHANA (ja)
    * Changwoo Ryu (ko)
    * Kjartan Maraas (nb)
    * Duarte Loreto (pt)
    * Daniel Nylander (sv)
    * Chao-Hsiung Liao (zh_HK)
    * Chao-Hsiung Liao (zh_TW)

Carlos Garcia Campos
   elkalmail yahoo es
   carlosgc gnome org
PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x523E6462

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