Metacity 2.27.0

What is it ?
* Metacity is a simple compositing window manager that integrates nicely with GNOME 2.

What's changed ?
  * Remove deprecated GTK symbols (Thomas A, Matt) (GNOME bug 572332)
  * fix window properties bug which showed up as ignoring struts (Ori)
    (GNOME bug 572573)
  * include "as <username>" in window title (Thomas T) (GNOME bug 49389)
  * Use zenity for dialogues (Thomas T) (GNOME bug 521914)
  * Use libcanberra for sound effects (Matthias) (GNOME bug 557921)
* Don't define meta_spew_event unless verbose mode is on (Matt) (GNOME bug 571126)
  * Fix README to give correct switch names (Matt) (GNOME bug 571210)
* Windows which couldn't appear in alt-tab don't get there by being urgent (Thomas T) * Skip the first window in alt-tab only if it's actually current (Matt) (GNOME bug 535887)
  * Optimise line coordinate storage (Thomas T)
  * Queue resize on window undecorate (Neil)
  * Fix description of "show desktop" (Luca) (GNOME bug 569649)
  * Wrap g_error calls in braces (Matt)

* Mikel González (ast), Ihar Hrachyshka (be latin), David Planella (ca), Petr Kovar (cs), Ask Hjorth Larsen (da), Jorge González (es), Mattias Põldaru (et), Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio (eu), Ilkka Tuohela (fi), Claude Paroz (fr), Gabor Kelemen (hu), Kjartan Maraas (nb), Wouter Bolsterlee (nl), Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle (pt_BR), Daniel Nylander (sv), Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Chao-Hsiung Liao (zh_HK), Chao-Hsiung Liao (zh_TW)

Where can I get it ?
  * 52871631cc13b7fde1403aaee3db32d4
  * f856c9d0828baf79de82e9c5d97c30b7

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