GDM 2.20.10 (stable), the "Fiends" Release


If you have no clue what GDM is, refer to the documentation links
at the bottom of this announcement.

The 2.20.10 release is a stable release of the GNOME Display Manager
(GDM) program with a few fixes and language translation updates.

- Ensure that gid/egid are set to 0 when running the Init, PostLogin,
  PreSession, and PostSession scripts.  This ensures that all scripts
  are run with consistent permissions.  (Brian Cameron)

- Ensure that the DISPLAY environment variable is never cleared upon
  changing language.  It is important for some PAM modules to have the
  DISPLAY variable available.  (Brian Cameron)

- Improve the way that keycode values are initialized in the
  keymouselistener gesture listener.  Using Xorg 1.5 the keycode
  initialization code does not always work if XKB is not initialized by
  the time the login GUI starts.  So the gesture listener now checks if
  the initialization failed and reinitializes upon keypress if there
  was a failure.  (Brian Cameron)

- Enhance gdm-ssh-session so that the port value can be specified when
  doing a remote ssh connection.  (Thomas Bechtold)

- Fix double-free issue and provide better error reporting when the
  command specified by gdmdynamic can not be parsed.  (Chris Wilson,
  Brian Cameron)

- Correct how the host variable is freed in gdm_xdmcp_handle_message so
  it is not freed before it is last used.  (Brian Cameron)

- Make sure that pwent gets set before calling audit_fail_login,
  otherwise failed audit records are not set properly.  (Brian Cameron)

- Avoid printing NULL strings in the slave daemon.  (Brian Cameron)

- Backout Solaris specific code from the Xsession script.  This code
  was moved to /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d scripts, which is a better
  place to store such distro specific code than in the GDM module.
  (Takao Fujiwara)

- Set default PRIO values properly on Solaris.  (Brian Cameron)

- Improve Solaris SDTLOGIN logic so that the "/var/dt" directory gets
  created if it is missing.  (Brian Cameron)

- Use g_remove instead of g_unlink when removing directories since it is
  safer.  (Brian Cameron)

- Translation updates (\303\205smund Skj\303\246veland)

Note:  GDM2 was originally written by Martin K. Petersen <mkp mkp net>.
Much work has been done on GDM2 by George Lebl; and Brian Cameron.

Note2:  If installing from the tarball do note that make install
overwrites most of the setup files, all except gdm.conf.  It will
however save backups with the .orig extension first.

Note3:  Note3 has been depracated ...


Online Documentation -
Latest Stable        -
Latest Unstable      -
Bug Reporting        - in the "gdm" category.

Have fun,


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