2011-February Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[ANNOUNCE] PyGObject 2.27.91 (second 2.28 pre-release),
John Palmieri
Clutter core branched 1.6 =?utf-8?B?4oaS?= =?utf-8?Q?_1=2E7?=,
Emmanuele Bassi
ANNOUNCE: gtk-doc 1.17,
Stefan Kost
[ANNOUNCE] rep-gtk 0.90.5,
Christopher Roy Bratusek
GNOME System Tools 2.91.90 released,
Milan Bouchet-Valat
Nautilus-Actions 3.1.0 is out,
Pierre Wieser
ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.27.95,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: krb5-auth-dialog 2.91.90,
Guido =?iso-8859-1?Q?G=FCnther?=
GNOME 3 Beta 1 (2.91.90) released!,
Lucas Rocha
Banshee 1.9.4 released,
Alexander Kojevnikov
ANNOUNCE: vino 2.99.2,
Chris =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=FChl?=
ANNOUNCE: vino 2.99.1,
Chris =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=FChl?=
GNOME Shell 2.91.90 released,
Owen Taylor
gjs-0.7.11 released,
Owen Taylor
Mutter 2.91.90 released,
Owen Taylor
ANNOUNCE: libpeas 0.7.3,
libgnomekbd 2.91.90,
Sergey Udaltsov
ANNOUNCE: WebKitGTK+ 1.3.12 released,
Philippe Normand
ANNOUNCE: AT-SPI2 1.91.90 released,
Mike Gorse
GNOME Color Manager 2.91.90,
Richard Hughes
GNOME PackageKit 2.91.90 released,
Richard Hughes
GNOME Power Manager 2.91.90,
Richard Hughes
Anjuta 2.91.90 (Beta1) released,
Johannes Schmid
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.99.5,
Murray Cumming
gnome-games 2.91.90 released,
Thomas H.P. Andersen
GTK+ 3.0.1,
Matthias Clasen
Zenity 2.91.90,
Luis Medinas
Eye of GNOME 2.91.90,
Felix Riemann
Announcing Orca v2.91.90,
Joanmarie Diggs
Rygel 0.9.9 (Relativity),
Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
[ANNOUNCE] PyGTK 2.23.0,
John Stowers
GTK+ 2.24.1,
Matthias Clasen
Announce: mousetweaks 2.91.90,
Francesco Fumanti
ANNOUNCE: vino 2.99.0,
Chris =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=FChl?=
ANNOUNCE: Clutter 1.6.6 (stable),
Emmanuele Bassi
ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.27.94,
Murray Cumming
[ANNOUNCE] libchamplain 0.9.0,
ANN: Pan 0.134 "Wait for Me",
Petr Kovar
GLib 2.28.1,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCE: gnome-system-monitor 2.99.0,
Chris =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=FChl?=
ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.10.0 released (stable),
Martyn Russell
GParted 0.8.0 Released,
Curtis Gedak
ANNOUNCE: krb5-auth-dialog 2.91.6,
Guido =?iso-8859-1?Q?G=FCnther?=
ANNOUNCE: folks 0.3.6,
Philip Withnall
[ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.11.6 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=FCrg?= Billeter
Announcing: gscan2pdf 0.9.32 released,
Jeffrey Ratcliffe
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.99.4,
Murray Cumming
[libpeas] ANNOUNCE: libpeas 0.7.2,
Garrett Regier
libxklavier 5.1,
Sergey Udaltsov
ANNOUNCE: gbrainy 1.62 released,
Jordi Mas
[ANNOUNCE] PyGObject 2.27.90 released (pre-release for 2.28.0),
John Palmieri
GTK+ 3.0.0 released,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCE: grilo-plugins 0.1.9 released,
Juan A.
ANNOUNCE: grilo 0.1.9 released,
Juan A.
ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.9.38 released (unstable),
Martyn Russell
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.24.0,
Murray Cumming
GLib 2.28.0 released,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCE: Clutter 1.6.2 (stable),
Emmanuele Bassi
ANNOUNCE: Nanny 2.31.1 released,
Roberto Majadas Lopez
Flickr Remote Organizer for GNOME (frogr) 0.4,
Mario Sanchez Prada
dconf 0.7.2,
Ryan Lortie
EOG Plugins 2.30.2,
Felix Riemann
ANNOUNCE: gtksourceviewmm-2.91.5,
Krzesimir Nowak
ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.9.37 released (unstable),
Martyn Russell
ANNOUNCE: cluttermm 1.3.2,
Chris =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=FChl?=
ANNOUNCE: cluttermm 1.1.3,
Chris =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=FChl?=
Announce: Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) 2.1.1 released,
Nagappan Alagappan
GTK+ 2.99.3 released,
Matthias Clasen
GNOME Shell 2.91.6 released,
Owen Taylor
Mutter 2.91.6 released,
Owen Taylor
The Board 0.1.1 released!,
Lucas Rocha
ANNOUNCE; AT-SPI2 1.91.6[.1] released,
Mike Gorse
Glade 3.9.2 Released,
Tristan Van Berkom
ANNOUNCE: atk 1.33.6,
Li Yuan
ANNOUNCE: folks 0.3.4,
Travis Reitter
Announcing Orca v2.91.6,
Alejandro Leiva
Mail converted by MHonArc