ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.91.4 released

this release doesn't bring you one library, it doesn't bring you three,
it brings you two libraries! we have libcheese and libcheese-gtk you can
use to build your awesome webcam app. have fun with it!

i really want to thank our two women outreach program (wop) students
Luciana Fujii Pontello and Laura Elisa Lucas Alday for all the hard work
they put into this release. they made this a rocking release!


what is it?
Take photos and videos with your webcam, with fun graphical effects

what's changed in 2.91.4?
  - bump LT_VERSION numbers for libcheese and libcheese-gtk
  - Splitting dependencies of libcheese and libcheese-gtk
    Spliting dependencies of libcheese and libcheese-gtk and linking
    libcheese library with it's dependencies.
  - libcheese: Removing unnecessary includes
    Removing unnecessary includes of gtk in libcheese modules.
  - Creating pkgconfig file for libcheese and libcheese-gtk
  - Adding test for CheeseCamera
    cheese-test-camera creates a CheeseCamera and takes a photo that will be
    saved in testcamera.jpg after five seconds.
  - Creating libcheese, installable non-gtk lib
    Cheese-flash is now part of libcheese-gtk, since it depends on gtk and
    we want libcheese to not depend on it. Libcheesecommon is now called
    simply Libcheese and it's installed, it's the main cheese lib which can
    be used to set the pipeline, take_photos and record video.
  - remove countdown from libcheese
    cheese uses the new countdown in src/cheese-countdown.vala
    which prints the countdown directly on the clutter texture.
  - cheese-test-chooser: Use gtk_clutter_init
    Cheese test chooser should use gtk_clutter_init instead of gtk_init,
    since cheese-camera now uses a ClutterTexture to display video.
  - cheese-camera: using const char * when appropriate
    Filenames and other string parameters used to set properties can be
  - cheese-camera: switch_device is now a void method
    Method cheese_camera_switch_device always returned true. Its return
    value can be ignored.
  - cheese-camera: Making methods static
    Some methods are only used inside CheeseCamera, so I removed them from
    header file and declared them as static.
  - cheese-widget: Fix return type for get_settings
  - remove dbus support from cheese, fixes bug #622915
  - cheese-camera: Check return of linking effect
    Return if linking effect preview was not successful.
  - cheese-camera: Removing extra colorspace after effect
    Effects are already created using one colorspace before and one after
    its pipeline description, so there is no need to add another colorspace
    after the effect bin.
  - cheese-camera: Handle more bus messages
    When bus receives error or warning messages, we parse them and print
    warning messages.
  - Updated Basque language
  - Added/Updated Translations
    - bg, courtesy of Krasimir Chonov
    - cs, courtesy of Marek Černocký
    - el, courtesy of Kostas Papadimas
    - eo, courtesy of Kristjan SCHMIDT
    - eu, courtesy of Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
    - fa, courtesy of Mahyar Moghimi
    - gl, courtesy of Fran Diéguez
    - nb, courtesy of Kjartan Maraas
    - ru, courtesy of Yuri Myasoedov
    - th, courtesy of Akom Chotiphantawanon
    - zh_HK, courtesy of Chao-Hsiung Liao
    - zh_TW, courtesy of Chao-Hsiung Liao
  - Added/Updated Documentation

where can i get it?
you can get it by pressing here!

what does it look like?
take a look here!

where can i find out more?
you can visit the project web site:

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