GottenGeography 1.1 released!

What is it?

GottenGeography is a simple and streamlined application for recording
geotags directly into photo EXIF data. It is capable of reading
logfiles from various GPS devices to accomplish this in an automatic
way, but it also allows manual tagging for those users who do not own
GPS units.

As a side effect it is also useful for visualizing previously-tagged
photos on a map, and for viewing GPS tracks directly on a map even if
you don't have any related photos.

What exciting technologies set it apart from the many other, similar
applications out there?

It's written in Python, and it uses all the sexy new
gobject-introspection magic to make a great, native GNOME3 experience.
It's also using ilbchamplain and OpenStreetMap to provide maps, which
makes for a fun, immersive Clutter experience when navigating the map.

What's new?

We've added KML support, and also drag&drop support for loading files.
As well as a minor bugfix that makes the Adwaita theme look even

Where can I get it?

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