Rhythmbox 3.0 released

bf6f35c1a46867d16e45969f97f01630d936bfa92baf940c442f3a19fb6820e4  rhythmbox-3.0.tar.xz

Overview of changes in Rhythmbox 3.0  "I Eat Tapes"

* Plugins now use Python 3
* New task progress display below the track list
  (used for various things including track transfers and
   import jobs)
* Support for composer tags
* Restyled playback controls
* Restyled source list using symbolic icons
* Better introspection of everything
* Separate CBR and VBR encoding styles with different sets
  of exposed properties
* Playlist settings (browser visibility etc.) saved in 
* Better use of RTL icons where appropriate

Bugs fixed:

127939  support for composer/Music Director id3 tag in rhythmbox and the database
516846  Use short labels in toolbar
652892  Browser visibility is forgotten on program restart
672044  Man page for rhythmbox-client should be updated
675145  Provide an app menu
677645  Improve custom recording settings
697533  Several keyboard shortcuts don't work in 2.99
697915  XI_BadDevice errors
697959  Incorrect time shows briefly when song changes
698043  fix im-status plugin load
698429  click album or artist list -> window size returns
698460  macros/Makefile.in is kinda missing
698810  IM status plugin doesn't work
698979  ReplayGain plugin cannot load
700017  man: Remove --quit option
700177  rhythmbox fails to build introspection with Gtk 3.9
700401  replaygain crashes Rhythmbox on second play
700424  Impossible to unmaximize the main window by double clicking on the title bar
700590  rb-audiocd-source.c:1009: not doing musicbrainz lookup as we don't have a disc id
701032  No external plugins menu items visible in the Play Queue popup
701194  The library import tab does not update the available tracks
701307  No longer able to examine and respond to changes in RhythmDB
702679  exception hit when attempting to read an entry-view BPM column
702683  Ctrl+Space no longer pauses/plays current song
703624  "Add to playlist >" contextual menu item is disabled when inside a dynamic playlist
703626  "Browse" togglebutton/pushbutton is initially inconsistent
703627  Small UI nitpicks in 2.99.x: cut off inline toolbar, redundant separator widget
703798  App is reading wrong ID3 tag used to show Year
705307  Date tag not detected properly on FLAC files (and possibly others)
705427  Set button arrow icons according to locale's text direction
705626  Shortcuts missing
706760  Set button arrow icons according to locale's text direction
707082  IM status does nothing
707184  Song comments disappear after closing Rhythmbox
707360  Desktop file categories are wrong

Translation updates:

- ca, courtesy of Javi Ribera
- cs, courtesy of Marek Černocký
- de, courtesy of Christian Kirbach
- el, courtesy of Dimitris Spingos (Δημήτρης Σπίγγος)
- es, courtesy of Daniel Mustieles
- es, courtesy of Miguel Rodríguez Núñez
- fr, courtesy of Claude Paroz
- gl, courtesy of Fran Dieguez
- hu, courtesy of Gabor Kelemen
- it, courtesy of Milo Casagrande
- ja, courtesy of Jiro Matsuzawa
- lt, courtesy of Aurimas ÄŒernius
- lv, courtesy of RÅ«dolfs Mazurs
- nb, courtesy of Kjartan Maraas
- pa, courtesy of A S Alam
- pl, courtesy of Piotr DrÄ…g
- pt_BR, courtesy of Enrico Nicoletto
- ru, courtesy of Yuri Myasoedov
- si, courtesy of Danishka Navin
- sk, courtesy of Pavol Klačanský
- sl, courtesy of Matej Urbančič
- sr, courtesy of Мирослав Николић
- sr latin, courtesy of Miroslav Nikolić
- th, courtesy of Kiatkachorn Ratanatharathorn
- zh_CN, courtesy of Wylmer Wang

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