GNOME Games 3.21.92 released

About Games

Games is a GNOME 3 application to browse your video games library and to
easily pick and play a game from it


* Pause and resume on focus change:
 - Avoid micro pauses when the shell takes the focus for an instant
 - Avoid resuming the game when there is a transient dialog

* PlayStation:
 - Set the correct gamepad type to the games depending on their support
 - Detect discs with a lowercase disc ID
 - Get covers from
 - Ensure discs are in the correct order

* Bugs fixed:
 770192 playstation: Some games requires a non-analog gamepad
 770426 Moving the "Resume" dialog unpauses the game
 770625 The application is named 'gnome-games' and doesn't have its icon in the GCC sound panel
 770626 playstation: Games with a lowercase ID not detected
 770780 CDs in wrong order
 770781 No covers for PSX games

* Translation updates:

======== (1.2M)
  sha256sum: 47870af3bebf74419a21dd7582e3e90135dab9588e1f73d850e5680247431c47

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