Re: PROPOSAL: Evolution for GNOME 2.6


Luis Villa wrote:
> Is anyone still around who was involved with this move? It was very
> slightly (a few months, I think) before my time. Would be nice to have
> someone who recalls the procedures used then instead of reinventing
> them, if possible...

There was a little too much context chopped off there for me to
follow - is this referring to a Bugzilla migration?

Also, could I ask a couple of questions... would it be possible
to get a copy of the database and the Bugzilla installation to
play around with it and try to come up with the basis for a
migration plan? Are the 2.10 and 2.17 database schema compatible?
And is there a unified diff of GNOME Bugzilla against the
official 2.10 bugzilla lying around?


       David Neary,
       Lyon, France
  E-Mail: bolsh gimp org

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