KDE bugzilla changes ... ?

This was from xdg list, to do with setting up bugzilla on

On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 19:29, Havoc Pennington wrote:
>  8. create a bugzilla instance (I'd like to see some of the kde.org
>     bugzilla changes, too, the kde bugzilla is much simpler to use)
> Havoc

I haven't even looked at KDE's bugzilla. But if someone's really bored
and has time, documenting some of these changes so we can make our
bugzilla easier to use might be worthwhile.

(Implementing them would be even cooler, but I'd advise basing that sort
of thing on bugzilla-new, ie. 2.16, at this point.)

Andrew Sobala <aes gnome org>

The lighting designer is expected to be a master of art, science,
history, psychology, communications, politics and sometimes even
mind reading. -- Stage Lighting Design 101

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