Re: Quarterly Bugsquad reports for GNOME Foundation

Am Mittwoch, den 22.07.2009, 00:32 +0200 schrieb Andre Klapper:
> As far as I've been told the GNOME Foundation plans to start publishing
> quarterly reports to better communicate what's going on in GNOME.
> I've been asked to write a short update about what the Bugsquad
> accomplished in Q2 (March-June) 2009.

For your interest, here is what I came up with:

The Bugsquad In Q2

Top bug closers in Q2 were Akhil Laddha with 435 reports and Fabio Durán
Verdugo with 367 reports.

9978 reports (bugs + feature requests) were opened and 12549 were
closed. Normally the number of new reports has always been higher than
closed reports as new products get added constantly to GNOME Bugzilla.
The negative number in Q2 is especially due to a cleanup of GnuCash
reports. Without GnuCash "only" 9210 reports were closed.

After GNOME 2.26.1 had been released in April submission of bug reports
about GNOME versions older than 2.24.0 via Bug-Buddy application was
blocked. Experience shows that most reported issues are outdated or
fixed already plus upstream developers do not work anymore on old

Plans for Q3 include to have an IRC Bugsquad meeting at the beginning of
August and among other issues also discuss a policy how to handle old
forgotten reports that have not seen any updates for years.

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