Re: GNOME.Asia 峰会2014年将在北京举行

组织过程中需要大家的帮助和支持, 我们将需要以下资源:
1。 网站开发
2。 美术, 包括设计印刷品,logo, T-shirt等
3。 宣传,市场推广。 包括社区和学校的推广
4。 现场的志愿者,大概30-50人左右
5。 新闻媒体的宣传

若大家有兴趣, 请发邮件联系我和李彬 。Li Bin是整个会议的总负责人。


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: linuxbqj gmail com <linuxbqj gmail com>
Date: 2013/12/16
Subject: Re: GNOME.Asia 峰会2014年将在北京举行
To: "bjgug googlegroups com" <BJGUG googlegroups com>
Cc: 北京gnome用户组 <gnome-cn-list gnome org>




2013/12/16 Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com>:
> 各位GNOMEers,
> 经过两个月的评选和协调,GNOME基金会亚洲委员会(GNOME.Asia)日前宣布:2014年的GNOME.Asia亚洲峰会举办权最终由北京获
> 得,将于2014年5月24日到25日在初夏的北京举办。这也成为第一届(2008年)在北京举办后,再一次由北京举办。更巧合的是,与6年前第一次举办
> GNOME.Asia亚洲峰会时一样,明年的GNOME.Asia也由北京航空航天大学承办。
> 明年的5月, 欢迎自由软件/开源软件爱好者,以及希望贡献开源社区的朋友,光临GNOME.Asia亚洲峰会!
> -emily
> ============================================================
> Hosting GNOME.Asia Summit 2014
> May 24-25, 2014
> Beijing
> We have the  great pleasure to announce that Beijing has been selected as
> the venue of our upcoming GNOME.Asia Summit 2014. GNOME.Asia Summit 2014
> follows the release of GNOME 3.12, helping to bring new desktop paradigms
> which facilitate user interaction in the computing world.  It will be a
> great place to celebrate and explore the many new features and enhancements
> to GNOME 3 and to help make GNOME as successful as possible.
> The  first ever GNOME.Asia Summit 2008 was hosted in Beijing. It will be
> great for GNOME.Asia to come back to Beijing again in the coming year.
> Beijing, the capital of the People’s Republic of China, has been the
> political and cultural center of China for centuries.  The city is renowned
> for its palaces, temples, huge stone walls and gates, and its art treasures
> and universities have made it a center of culture and art in China. There
> are good airport connections, and train/bus/subway infrastructure.  We
> believe that hosting the event in Beijing will bring the spotlight on GNOME
> and make an impact locally, regionally and internationally in terms of
> business and community building.
> The venue for the conference will be the BeiHang University (Beijing
> University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), which has been the center of
> the GNOME.Asia Community for many years. Consequently, we have a very
> committed local team which is already experienced in organizing a successful
> event.
> We would like to thank everyone who participated in the GNOME.Asia 2014
> bidding process.  We look forward to working with you more in the future!
> GNOME.Asia Committee
> ============================================================
> --
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白清杰 (Born Bai)


Mail: linuxbqj gmail com

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