Re: bonobo-doc

> If anyone is interested, there is a beta release of bonobo-doc
> on
> Comments are wellcome.

Nice work.  I will comment more later. 

Basically, Bonobo is going to be more than a compound document system,
Bonobo is:

       1. The foundation for component programming (GNOME::Unknown)

       2. A set of interfaces/implementations for creating compound

       3. A system to create "controls" or reusable gui components (as
          in Java Beans or Active-X controls).

> Also, i noticed the gnome-control.idl file in bonobo. It looks cool :)

That is for the controls :-)

> If i am not mistaken, the gnome-canvas.idl file is aimed at adding 
> printing support to bonobo, no ?

You are a bit mistaken.  gnome-canvas.idl is for the arbitrarly-shaped
canvas-based components in Bonobo.

We are no longer limited to squares (see test-container for a
demostration).  I have rewritten the Bonobo support in Gnumeric to
support the new canvas-based components :-)


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