Re: Drag n drop.

Maciej Stachowiak writes:
 > The problem was that GtkPlug and GtkSocket do not handle drag and drop
 > properly if they are in the same application (or more specifically,
 > using the same instance of gtk+). The separate process case should
 > already be handled correctly for drag and drop, and in fact, we
 > temporarily split the nautilus directory views into a separate process
 > as a workaround, and it actually worked.
 > If dnd is not working for you across process boundaries, can you tell
 > me what you're tryng to do and what problem you are seeing
 > specifically?

    I didn't actually try it, so I didn't know that it already
worked.  That's reassuring.  What was the problem in the local case?
In the long term we need to fix those widgets.  They're just going to
continue to cause us to lose sleep otherwise (the destruction
semantics are *still broken!*).


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