
Some quick comments regarding the test-html-editor-control:

(1) Minor Bug: 
test_html_editor_control.c: The PersistFile should be PersistStream (just
launch test-html-editor-control, you'll notice the wrong menu label).

(2) Bug, too? 
'Save through PersistStream' does not work (load does work though),
bonobo_stream_open (... Bonobo_Storage_WRITE ...) returns NULL. It could be
some fault in my setup. No error message what went wrong. That's not

(3) Pure feature suggestion: 
I would like to access and edit the html-editor-control's contents in
memory (instead of dumping the contents to a file, editing it there and
reloading the file) but cannot figure out how to edit a bonobo stream.
Therefore, for example a button "Append e-mail address" that pops up a
dialog asking for the user's e-mail address and adds it towards the end
would simply be great.
Or could you point me to a program that does some editing of a bonobo

Thank you!

+------------------------------------------------+      (o o)
| Lutz Müller            +49 (7156) 34837        +---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+
|                                                                  |
| Hans-Sachs-Straße 5                                              |
| 71254 Ditzingen |
| Germany                urc8 rz uni-karlsruhe de                  |

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