Re: GEP 5: New Object Adaptor for ORBit2

Mark McLoughlin wrote:

Hi Guys,
	I've just added GEP-5 to CVS. In essence the proposal is for a
GObject based Object Adaptor based on a cut down version of the POA.
The big advantage of this is that it makes implementing CORBA Objects
a doddle for anyone who is used to GObject.

	Discussion should take place one gnome-components-list and
orbit-list, and input would be very, very welcome indeed.

	Oh, there's also a prototype implementation on the
gobject-adaptor branch of ORBit2 if anyone is interested.
I don't know how useful it will be for you work, but you may want to look at the "mango" module in CVS. It was an attempt by Mathieu to do something similar (he didn't have enough time to continue).

Email: james daa com au              |
WWW: | Jan 22-25 Perth, Western Australia.

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