Re: GEP 12: Bonobo Unique Application

On Fri, Apr 25, 2003 at 12:45:33PM +0100, Gustavo J A M Carneiro wrote:
> A Qui, 2003-04-24 às 20:12, Havoc Pennington escreveu: 
> > Some hard parts are:
>   I think these are the easiest parts in terms of coding (and the coding
> part isn't over), albeit difficult in terms of problem definition.

Very true. ;-) Especially the arg parse and environment forwarding, 
who the heck knows how that should work in some cases.
> > It'd be interesting to look at how KUniqueApplication addresses these
> > issues.
>   I'd be interested in looking at that too.  I never new such thing even
> existed.  Any idea what package that is in?  

It's in kdelibs/kdecore/kuniqueapplication.*

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