gnumeric component

Hi Again

I have managed to embed a gnumeric component into a gtk application. Is the component only a viewer, I am unable to edit. Has the component been implemented as a viewer only. Here is the code I am using: I dont

#include <bonobo.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <gnome.h>

static Bonobo_PropertyBag      prop_bag = CORBA_OBJECT_NIL;
static GtkWidget               *bonobo_win;
static    CORBA_Environment ev;
static    BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;
static    Bonobo_Control gnumericControl;

* close the app, but clean up things first
static void on_destroy  (GtkWidget *app, BonoboUIContainer *uic)
   if (uic)
       bonobo_object_unref (BONOBO_OBJECT (uic));

       if (prop_bag != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL)
               bonobo_object_release_unref (prop_bag, CORBA_OBJECT_NIL);

static gboolean s_entry_activated(GtkWidget * wgnumericEntry, gpointer p)
   gchar *command;
   gchar ** ptr;
   gchar s_command[100];
   gint n;
   command = (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (wgnumericEntry));
   printf("command is %s \n",command);
   ptr = g_strsplit(command," ",100);
   n = 0;
   while(ptr[n] != NULL)
   if(n > 1)
       if(strcmp(ptr[0],"load-file") == 0)
                       (gchar *) ptr[1], &ev);
   else if(strcmp(ptr[0],"cursoron") == 0)
                   "gnumericWidget--cursoron", TRUE, &ev);
   else if(n=1)
       printf("command sent is %s \n",s_command);
                   TRUE, &ev);
} #if 0
//    else
//    {
//        bonobo_property_bag_client_set_value_string (prop_bag,
// "AbiWidget::invoke_noargs",(gchar *) command,NULL);
//    }
   g_strfreev (ptr);
   return FALSE;

* Create the container frame, the control, the property bag and the
* surrounding GTK nicities.
static guint create_app (char *gnumeric_file)
   GtkWidget *box, *control, *button;
   GtkWidget * frame1;
   GtkWidget * hseparator1;
   BonoboUIContainer *uic;
   GtkWidget * hboxEntry;
   GtkWidget * gnumericCommandLabel;
   GtkWidget * wGnumericEntry;
   GtkWidget* gmoniker;

    *  Now acquire a property bag.
    *  The property bag is associated with the control frame, so get a
    *  control frame first
   CORBA_exception_init (&ev);
/* Create a bonobo application (window) */
   bonobo_win = bonobo_window_new ("gnumeric_control",
                   "A container for Gnumeric");
   gtk_widget_set_usize (GTK_WIDGET(bonobo_win), 600, 600);

   /* Connect a ui container to the application */
   uic = bonobo_window_get_ui_container (BONOBO_WINDOW (bonobo_win));
   //uic = bonobo_ui_container_new ();
   //bonobo_ui_container_set_win (uic, BONOBO_WINDOW(bonobo_win));
   /* Get our remote control */
   //gnumericControl = bonobo_get_object ("OAFIID:GNOME_Gnumeric_Workbook",
   //            "Bonobo/Control", &ev);

   control =  bonobo_widget_new_control (
                 "file:/home/kmona/test.gnumeric", BONOBO_OBJREF(uic));
   if (BONOBO_EX (&ev) || (control == CORBA_OBJECT_NIL))
       g_error("Can't get the Gnumeric Control\n");
       return FALSE;

   /* Get a widget, containing the control */
   //control = bonobo_widget_new_control_from_objref(gnumericControl,
   //                        BONOBO_OBJREF (uic));
   if (!control)
       g_error ("Can't create control\n");
       return FALSE;

control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (BONOBO_WIDGET(control));
   if (!control_frame)
       g_error ("Can't find control frame\n");
       return FALSE;
prop_bag = bonobo_control_frame_get_control_property_bag (control_frame, NULL);
   if (prop_bag != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL) {
           /* Set editable property */
bonobo_pbclient_set_boolean(prop_bag, "bonobo:editable", TRUE, NULL);
           //DEBUGM("viewer: set editable to false\n");

   /* Now, get a ref to the property bag */
   //prop_bag =Bonobo_Control_getProperties(gnumericControl, &ev);
/*prop_bag = bonobo_control_frame_get_control_property_bag (control_frame, &ev);
   if (prop_bag == CORBA_OBJECT_NIL)
       //g_error ("Can't connect to property bag\n");
       //return FALSE;
   //GList * keyValues = bonobo_pbclient_get_keys (prop_bag, &ev);
   /*GList * curVal = g_list_first(keyValues);
   int i = 0;
       printf("Key %d  value %s \n",i,curVal->data);
       curVal = g_list_next(curVal);
   /* Build the gtk support structure. */

   box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
   bonobo_window_set_contents (BONOBO_WINDOW(bonobo_win), box);

    frame1 = gtk_frame_new ("GnumericControl");
   gtk_widget_show (frame1);
   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), frame1, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
   gtk_frame_set_label_align (GTK_FRAME (frame1), 0.04, 0.5);
   gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (frame1), GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT);

   hseparator1 = gtk_hseparator_new ();
   gtk_widget_show (hseparator1);
   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), hseparator1, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

   /* Add the gnumeric Widget to our app */
   gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame1), control);

   /* Create an entry so we can play with the widget. */
   hboxEntry = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE,0);
   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), hboxEntry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

   gnumericCommandLabel = gtk_label_new("GnumericWidget Command: ");
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hboxEntry), gnumericCommandLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 0); wGnumericEntry = gtk_entry_new();
   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hboxEntry), wGnumericEntry, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
                      (gpointer) NULL);

   /* Create a "close" button and add it to the app */
   button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("close");
   gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX (box), button, FALSE,FALSE,0);
   g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(button), "clicked",
               G_CALLBACK(on_destroy), NULL);

   /* Create a 'destroy' handler, so we can clean things up */
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(bonobo_win), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(on_destroy), uic);
   /* OK Boris let her rip!!! */
   gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET(bonobo_win));

   /* Load a file in the control */
   if(prop_bag != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL)
                       abw_file, &ev);*/

   return TRUE;

main (int argc, char** argv)
gnome_init("Gnumeric-test-container", "0.0",
                    argc, argv);
   if (!bonobo_init (NULL, NULL))
       g_error ("could not initialize Bonobo");

   if(gnome_vfs_init () == FALSE)
       g_error (_("Could not initialize GnomeVFS!\n"));

   /*if (argc != 2)
       printf("Usage: test-gnumericContainer <file.abw>\n");
       return 1;

    * We can't make any CORBA calls unless we're in the main
    * loop.  So we delay creating the container here.
   if (!create_app(argv[1]))
       return 1; /* Emergency bailout */

   bonobo_main ();

   return 0;


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