Re: [gnome-cyr] [Bug 58785] Changed - Wrong display of Nonascii in bookmarks imported from Mozilla

sorry for the late response

On 11 Aug 2001 11:44:36 +0500, Vlad Harchev wrote:

>  We are just got used to the extremely low quality of and motivation to
> support for non-ascii in free programs. 

i would like to add to that " and we as people actively interested in
i18n have got used to do very little to help ourselves"

> At least I think that developers who
> can't think properly when they are programming (moreover, not in their free
> time, but as a full-time Ximian employee) deserve such (and even stricter)
> attitude from our side. People can't be *that* optimistic to have better
> attitude to such developers.

i cant agree with the assumption that anyone from the ximian team (or
anybody else that writes free software) owes something to the i18n
effort just because they are paid for what they do. i'm almost certain
that the actual paying people often dont care that much about i18n, so
i'd rather thank all evo developers (and all free software developers)
when they do something that helps i18n.

>  I only can feel shame for members of this list for not submitting bugreports
> in time - but they seem to do their best at bugreporting.

yes i am fully aware they do, yet i dont see a reason for them to be
frustrated and vent on a public mailing list, and i clearly feel a
little asshamed when i do only bugreporting,  especially on i18n matters
> PS: I adviced XImian to hire me to rule out all i18n-related questions at
> Spring several times, publically on gnome-hackers and privately, and I said
> that I will be able to do all the work in a month. They didn't consider it at
> all. They definitely don't care about i18n - they care about en_US locale
> only.

having the money and caring dont come together as often as we would
like, and its bad to generalize and assume developers attitude from the
attitude of the business department


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