Re: Gnome in MAC OS X/x11

Fink is probably the easiest way to get a Gnome version working on OS X. However, I believe that Fink is only up to the 2.4 release of Gnome (the current version is 2.6.1, I believe). There's also Darwinports at; I haven't used it a lot, but it's reasonably easy to get around with as well, and I believe they may have ported Gnome 2.6 (at least, they have a portfile for the 2.6 version of the gnome-vfs package, which is a good sign.
If you are really, really, really bored and more than a little bit 
masochistic, you can build everything for Gnome 2.6 by hand from the 
sources available at (and a few other places). 
I've gone this unfortunate route twice (once with horrible results and 
an unusable Gnome desktop, and once quite successfully, though with a 
few minor oddities that also seem to appear on x86 linux boxes); it 
requires a fair amount of patching and a lot of patience.

On May 27, 2004, at 00:21, Stein A. Stromme wrote:

[Sorin Paliga]

| Hello,
| Could anyone explain me, as I heard it is possible, how to install
| Gnome in MAC OS X/X11? Or point to a link how to do this?

Stein Arild Strømme            +47 55584825, +47 95801887
Universitetet i Bergen                  Fax: +47 55589672
Matematisk institutt     
Johs Brunsg 12, N-5008 BERGEN           stromme mi uib no

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