2004-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[gnome-db] gda_row_get_number,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] gda_data_model_remove_row,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] [Fwd: Re: gdamm1.3.4: segfault on data_model->get_n_rows(); ],
Daniel Holbach
[gnome-db] Postgres: listing tables in a database,
Murray Cumming
[gnome-db] GdaDataSourceInfo,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] gda_connection_supports,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] value->type vs. gda_value_get_vtype(value),
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] GdaCommand and GdaDataModel: basic question,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] problem: row highlighting on insert / modify,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] GdaValue question,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] gda escaping values and prepare/execute,
Alan Knowles
[gnome-db] Re: gdamm1.3.4: segfault on data_model->get_n_rows();,
Murray Cumming
[gnome-db] metadata,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] make install of libgda-1.1.6 on alpha-dec_osf / Tru64 V5.1B,
Peter Hall
[gnome-db] 1.2 branch,
Rodrigo Moya
[gnome-db] mergeant,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] mergeant on windows?,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] iterating through GdaDataModel,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] gda_data_model_describe_column,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] GDA: segfault!!! (what did I do wrong???),
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] nitpick: gda_stringify: why parameter not const,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] doxygen,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] documentation etc...,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] parameterized queries,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] Building libgnomedb,
Alf C Stockton
Re: [gnome-db] DWI, QOF and gnome-db,
Rodrigo Moya
[gnome-db] XML Queries Proposal,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] please help connecting to databse,
Neil Zanella
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] cross platform idea,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] Entity-Relation to Relational mapping,
Neil Zanella
[gnome-db] FreeTDS DSN configuration,
Miguel Angel Pons
[gnome-db] gnome-database-properties,
Vivien Malerba
[gnome-db] Re: Gnome-Office as part of GNOME?,
Rodrigo Moya
[gnome-db] XML + flex + bison + SQL volunteer coders wanted,
Neil Zanella
Re: [gnome-db] Future characteristic,
Vivien Malerba
Re: [gnome-db] Re: question: in memory table representation: please help,
Neil Zanella
Re: [gnome-db] Win 32 make files.,
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