[gnome-db] Questions regarding gda_connection_create_table


I would like to use the (relatively) new functions gda_connection_create_table  and gda_connection_drop_table. Couple of questions:

-1 Is this working technology and has this been ported to the providers? I am using PostgreSQL at the moment as database.

-2 Are there any examples on the exact use? There is nothing in the testing directory, mailing lists or documentations. During the development of this function, there must have been some examples/test code to test it. Would appreciate if someone can share anything  about this (even a one-liner)

-3 I see in the GdaFieldAttributes struct that values can be set for primary key/unique key. How about compound keys/indexes? Is that possible or should there be a gda_connection_create_index to do this?

Thanks in advance for any response.


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