Re: [gnome-db] help to write a ldap port

On 12/4/06, Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> wrote:
On Thu, 2006-11-23 at 07:57 -0600, Exell E. Franklin J. wrote:
> Rergards to all.
> First i apologise for the inconvenience to write in
> spanish, my english is very bad so i'm learning
> english, sorry.
> ¿if anybody could help me? i will thank you.
> You can write in english that i can read it.
> Rodrigo se acuerda de mí (arw).por favor.. ;).
> Deseo colaborar con la puesta a punto del modelo
> ldap para libgda.
> Ya hice muchas pruenas por aparte con la el LDAP C SDK
> de mozilla y me funcionó a las maravillas.
> Estoy interesado en usar tal facilidad y ponerla el
> modelo del ldap para que funcione con libgda.
as I told you, the best thing seems to me to use openldap (please
someone correct me if I'm wrong)

> Ya me descargué el cvs del servidor.
> Estuve viendo algunos modelos en el directorio
> de los proveedores (providers) y tengo algunas
> preguntas:
> Al parecer la mayoría tiene por lo menos seis (6) ó
> siete (7) archivos fuente llamados así:
> utils.c
> libmain.c
> gda-xxx-recordset.h
> gda-xxx-recordset.c
> gda-xxx-provider.h
> gda-xxx-provider.c
> gda-xxx.h
> Me gustaría saber:
> ¿Qué sentido y función posee cada uno?
the gda-xxx-* files are for the implementations of the objects. I guess
you should build the documentation included in the tarball and read the
part about writing providers. Then ask here any questions you might have
about the documentation.
I would advise that you look at the msql's provider as it's fairly
small and easy to understand, then once you understand it, look at the
MySQL or PostgreSQL ones which have more features.

PS: sorry but I don't speak spanish...



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