Re: [gnome-db] Circular dependency between libgda-3 and libgda_handlers-3

On 3/14/07, Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino gmail com> wrote:
Em Seg, 2007-03-12 às 09:19 +0100, Vivien Malerba escreveu:
> On 3/12/07, Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino gmail com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >


> >
> > 1) Merge libgda_handlers into libgda-3. As currently it's impossible to
> > link against one of them without linking against the other, I don't
> > think there's any good reason to keep them as separate libraries, but I
> > may be missing something here.
> I would really prefer that solution because as you noticed, you can't
> use one lib without the other. The reason why there are currently two
> libraries is because I did not want to mix the files in the same dir,
> and because I don't know how to make a single lib from sources in two
> different dirs with the auto tools. I'd be glad if you could propose a
> patch.

Just wondering... should I merge some of the other libs on libgda while
I'm at it? I'm not sure about which ones have use without also using the
(main) libgda lib...

I believe you can also merge
sql-transaction/ and
graph/ as they both require the main libgda lib or
are useless when taken out of its context.

However, I'd leave sql-delimiter/ as it
does not require the main libgda lib and it might be usefull to use it
without using libgda itself (even though there is no .pc for that lib
only, but it could be added if required).

So to summarize, There should only be two libs left in libgda/: and If it's OK for
everyone, then please merge them too.



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