Re: [gnome-db] New API to build statement from a strutural description.

Il giorno gio 19 mar 2009 18:35:16 CET, Vivien Malerba ha scritto:
I've just committed to svn trunk the code for the GdaSqlBuilder object which
builds statements from their structural description, instead of creating a
statement from some SQL by parsing it.

For example to build a DELETE statement the user does:
* tell the table to use
* tell the condition of the delete statement.
* get a GdaStatement object which can be used as any other statement.

The code is very new and still missing many features, but there is already
some doc and some example in the samples/SqlBuilder directory to show its

Before I implement more, I'd like to have a feedback about that API.
i didn't see the code or the api, but i wanted to know: the sql is  
made by the provider? i think he should, because of differences on sql  
in any case, thanks for the work

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