Re: Mozilla/GNOME interoperability

Miguel de Icaza <> writes:
>You missunderstood.
>Our proposal is: if Netscape releases the code under a dual license:
>NPL/GPL (as their JavaScript engine), hackers would contribute code
>back to them in NPL/GPL (ie, not only with one license) to allow them
>to use our changes, and allow us to use their code.

You're right.  I did misunderstand.  Let me see if I understand more clearly

 1. It does not violate the GPL to link GNOME apps against the non-free
    C libraries on commercial Unix distributions.

 2. It does not violate the GPL to link GNOME apps against the non-GPL
    X libraries on all Unix/BSD/Linux distributions.

 3. It does not violate the GPL to link gnome-python against the non-GPL
    Python libraries.

 4. It *does* violate the GPL to link GNOME apps against the NPL javascript

If my understanding is now correct, I have another question.  Are there any
reasons for this besides: "because Richard Stallman says so"?

	-Michael Robinson

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