James Henstridge <> el día Mon, 12 Apr 1999 08:41:38 +0800 
(WST), escribió:

>There is no problem using the LGPL.  If someone wants to statically link
>your LGPL code into a commercial executable, they are also required to
>distribute the unlinked object code so that users can (at their
>discretion) link the commercial program with a newer version of the LGPL

the problem is that our compiler can't do object code so the users
can link again, and more importantly we don't want to force the
author to do this.
I know that this is difficult to understand for a non-Delphi 
programmer, but we have years of doing things this way without 

>The standard binutils have some arguments that allow you to combine a
>number of object files into a single larger one, which would make
>distribution easier (ie.  The closed source program is distributed with a
>single extra .o file).

our library is not a common library, another problem.

>If this gives the ammount of leniency to closed program writers you wanted
>to, then you should probably go with the LGPL.

we /want/ to go with the LGPL, but we are knocked with this.

>On Sat, 10 Apr 1999, Sergio wrote:
>> Hi, I have libraries under the LGPL that hopefully will go
>> to Megido (a GPL/LGPL Delphi for GTK/Gnome):
>> - my libraries are small (they are small components).
>> - there are no practical way other than _statically_ link
>>   my libraries
>> - I want that my libraries could be used *whatever* the
>>   license of the final executable (free, commercial, closed, etc)
>> >From LGPL:
>> <<However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
>> creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
>> contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
>> library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
>> Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.>>
>> So, I think I have a problem here, no ?
>> I don't want to force the executables containing my libraries
>> to use a certain license.
>> How I can manage this ?
>> I must use another license ?
>> TIA,
>> Sergio
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