[PATCH] segfault in asclock-applet.


This is a simple patch for a segfault which happens when one opens the
properies menu in asclock from gnome-core 1.0.4.

Wrong on most accounts.  const Foo *foo; and Foo const *foo; mean the same: foo
being a pointer to const Foo.  const Foo const *foo; would mean the same but is
illegal (double const).  You are confusing this with Foo * const foo; and const
Foo * const foo; respectively. -David Kastrup, comp.os.linux.development.system
--- gnome-core-1.0.4/applets/asclock/dialogs.c	Fri Mar 26 17:30:55 1999
+++ /usr/src/dtek/pd/X11/gnome/gnome-core-1.0.4/applets/asclock/dialogs.c	Sun Mar 28 06:21:20 1999
@@ -268,16 +268,17 @@
   gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(list), "select_row", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(theme_selected), my_asclock);
   for (cpp= themes_directories; *cpp; cpp++)
-      if((dfd = opendir(*cpp)) != NULL)
-        while((dp = readdir(dfd)) != NULL)
+      if((dfd = opendir(*cpp)) != NULL) {
+        while((dp = readdir(dfd)) != NULL) {
           if ( dp->d_name[0]!='.' ) {
 	    gchar *elems[2] = { filename, NULL };
 	    strcpy(filename, *cpp);
 	    strcat(filename, dp->d_name);
             gtk_clist_append(GTK_CLIST(list), elems );
+	  }
+	}
+      	closedir(dfd);
-      closedir(dfd);
   /* show ampm toggle button */

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