audiofile problem

Hi. I have a problem with libaudiofile.
I think it's a bug, but it could be not. 

The "w+" mode used with afOpenFile seems not working how it should be.
If you open a non-existant file (with afOpenFile) with "w+" mode
afOpenFile returns AF_NULL_FILEHANDLE (ie. reports an error).

So, I've sent an email to Michael Pruett (audiofile author), but
at now he doesn't answer me more. I don't know why.

If I'm wrong at all, please explain me why. 

If it's a bug, an easy patch would be to change the line 588 in audiofile.c

if ((!strcmp(mode, "w")) || (!strcmp(mode, "w+")))

But the "a" and "a+" mode will still not work too.

Ciao, Andrea

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