Re: Idea

>> 1) The client message should contain the text of the menu item, not its index.
>I couldn't find out how to send a client message with an allocated memory.
>The XClientMessageEvent has a fixed size, thus the name of the menu item
>would be limeted to 10 chareacters :-(
>The only variable data size seems to have the window properties.
>Of course i can send with a normal XClientMessageEvent the ID.
>And then the listener can then read the window property.
>But is'nt there a better way? Maybe I forgot something..?

Could the client use an array of atoms (corresponding to strings - the
client would create the atoms when it creates the menu) instead of an array of 
strings in its menu property? I think that's how you use atoms, anyway - to 
stop strings being passed around all the time. Then the window manager/taskbar
uses the (fixed size but unique) atom in its client message. The window
manager/taskbar needs a way to translate the atoms back into strings to
display the menu, though - is that possible? Atom/string is just a key/value
pair stored in the server, right?

>What we need is GNOME wide message system!

First person to say "CORBA" gets to reply to the first person who says "isn't
that a bit heavyweight for this application?"  ;)


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