gnome_canvas_item_i2w working?

Can anyone verify that gnome_canvas_item_i2w() is working? I've
been unable even in simple situations with nested groups to get
it to alter the coordinates at all. I am quite sure from looking
at the displayed canvas that the coordinate systems are not
equal. i.e.

|              |
|    ________  |
|   |        | |
|   |        | |
|   |   x    | |
|   ---------- |

  The X in this setup is a child of the inner square which is a child
of the outer square. gnome_canvas_item_get_bounds(x,&foo,&bar) returns
the coords in the system of the inner square. Then calling
gnome_canvas_item_i2w(x->parent,&foo,&bar) does not alter the coords
as it clearly(?) should.

 Either this is broken or I am making some incorrect assumptions about
how it is supposed to work, please enlighten me.


Matt Sottek sottek quiknet com Intel Applications Engineer
My opinions are my own and do not represent Intel.
Intel's opinions are its own and do not represent me.

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