Re: Speaker verification prototype ready

Jean-Marc Valin wrote:

I think it would be better to try to make it a pam
module.  If you really want to try and get it into gdm
and not use pam, you should probally talk to George
Lebl <jirka 5z com> first.

I'm looking into PAM right now and there's something I'm not sure. It looks like
you can ask PAM to authenticate a certain user X. However, what I'd like to do
is to ask: is it X, Y or Z trying to login? In other words, the user should just
say something (not typing its username or anything) and the system shoud
identify him and log him in. Is that possible with PAM?


As I understand it, no.  But it would be possible in the split plugin 
method I proposed in my previous mail.

Number of restrictions placed on "Alice in Wonderland" (public domain) eBook: 5
Maximum penalty for reading "Alice in Wonderland" aloud (possible DMCA    
violation):  5 years jail
Average sentence for commiting Rape: 5 years

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