Re: [Fwd: Re: GNOME and advanced search indexes viability]

<quote who="Curtis Hovey">

> I haven't been neglecting medusa.  I was side tracked by a false indexing
> problems for 3 months (in the end the hard-drive died).  Now that I have a
> new laptop, I'm focusing on connecting nautilus to medusa.  The way
> nautilus connects could be the same means your service would connect.
> Medusa works right now, but few people know it.  There wont be a big
> demand for content search enough users experience it and understand that
> it compliments object and navigation data storage (the desktop).  

Strongly agree -> is there any chance of a tarball release, even if it's not
hugely integrated yet? Perhaps it will inspire others to look into it in the
2.4 timeframe. :-)

- Jeff

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland   
             Toothpaste is the most important meal of the day.

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