Pointer to public, private, ... section of a C++ class


i have the following problem: i should make use of dcopc (a C-library for the DCOP protocol used by KDE). i can't use the KDCOP implementation because i don't wanna create a KDE app but a wxWindows app (also written in C++).

short version:
how can i get a pointer to the private, a pointer to my publich section and a pointer to the methods of my C++! class?

long version:
Someone has created wrappers for cdcop for Gtk programs. now this wrapper(-class?) is called GtkXPart (see code below). Now i should create a class (C++) which's baseclass is GtkXPart. Therefore I've just declared myClass like this:
class myClass : public GtkXPart { ...... };

My problem is, i don't no what to do in the constructor of my class... of course the "constructor" of GtkXPart is called (i checked that), but i should initialize some variables of the GtkXPart, namely: the pointers to open_url, close_url, to myClass, ... And theres my problem: I should have 3 different pointers to my class: one that points to myClass itself (i think there are stored the data equivalent to GtkXPart) an other that points to myClassClass which points to the operations and the third should point to myClassPrivate which shows to the private vars/funcs...

but how can i do that?! i've some samplecode of kmozilla (mozilla embeded in kde's konqueror) which makes use of GtkXPart but it is itself a C-program, not C++ (see below).

I would be happy if someone could send me codefragments of a solution!

Thanks in advance!

typedef struct _GtkKmozilla GtkKmozilla;
typedef struct _GtkKmozillaClass GtkKmozillaClass;

struct _GtkKmozilla
    GtkXPart part;
    void *data;

struct _GtkKmozillaClass
    GtkXPartClass parent_class;


/* class and instance initialization */
static void
gtk_kmozilla_class_init(GtkKmozillaClass *klass)
    GtkObjectClass     *object_class = (GtkObjectClass *)klass;
    GtkXPartClass *xpart_class = GTK_XPART_CLASS(klass);

    parent_class = (GtkXPartClass*)gtk_type_class(gtk_xpart_get_type());

    object_class->destroy = gtk_kmozilla_destroy;

    xpart_class->open_url = open_url;

static void
gtk_kmozilla_init(GtkKmozilla *part)
    GtkKmozillaPrivate *d;
    d = g_new( GtkKmozillaPrivate, 1 );
    part->data = d;


    dcop_object_set_id( DCOP_OBJECT(part), "KmozillaClient" );


    /*    g_warning( "winid %x\n", GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW( w->window ) );*/

    gtk_xpart_set_widget( (GtkXPart *)part, w );

    gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(part), "reload",
             GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(handle_reload), NULL);
    gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(moz), "open_uri",
             GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(open_url_request), NULL);

    mozilla = part;


typedef struct _GtkXPart GtkXPart;
typedef struct _GtkXPartClass GtkXPartClass;

struct _GtkXPart
    DcopObject obj;
    void *data;

struct _GtkXPartClass
    DcopObjectClass parent_class;

    gboolean (* open_url) ( GtkXPart *part, const char * url );
    gboolean (* close_url) ( GtkXPart *part );

    char * (*query_extension) ( GtkXPart *part, const char *name );

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