Inviting speakers for HackerCrackdown@NIT Trichy

The GNU/Linux user group Trichy is conducting a hacker

workshop at NIT Trichy[],tentatively dates

are fixed from 12 to 17th january 2005.It could be
slightly changed depending upon the convenience of the

We are looking for speakers on following topics,for
our hacker's crackdown course.Plz come forward or pass
it to your friends who have some experience in the
following technlogies.You can also suggest/pass the
news to people who are working in IT industry and
willing to take up some topic.We are willing to
provide the travel fares and other expenses(in India)

People from other colleges are also encouraged to join
the course and they are requested to reply to this
mailing list.

The topics are:
1 Linux Kernel module/Device driver programming.
2 MONO, the free .NET framework
3 Bonobo,and the GNOME component model.
4 KParts, DCOP, and the KDE component model.
5 Programming with QT.
6 i18n, l10n, GNU Gettext: HowTo.
7 Writing Plugins for real world applications. eg:
8 Openoffice development
9 SDL,OpenGL

NIT Trichy is one of the leading institutions of India
contributing significantly to the IT field.It is
ranked among top 10 engineering colleges of
India(source:India Today) and has state of the art
computing facilities.Apart from that many of its
alumni are placed in key positions in IT industry and
constantly many organisations such as
Cognizant,Trilogy,STM,Accenture,De-Shaw... are
recruiting from this college.On this occasion if your
company is working in any of the above
stated areas, this event can provide you an excellent
opportunity to show the expertise of your

Could you plz,contribute to this event as a speaker??
If yes plz reply to this mail.
And sorry for being off topic.

With Regards
Hemant Kumar

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