Re: GEdit CSS Sytax Highlight?

No, I take that back. I just updated to gedit 2.8.1 (FC3 RPM) and still no CSS. Should I uninstall the FC3 RPM and install 2.8.3 from source?
Micah Carrick wrote:

I just reinstalled FC3 and haven't updated yet-- that's probably why.  
Also, does anyone know if there's a source that somewhat explains how 
the sytax files are structured in Gedit?  I would like to make my own 
for PIC Micro Assembly language.
Bryan Clark wrote:

There is CSS highlight support in Gedit. Go to View -> Highlight Mode -> Others -> CSS and you'll find it. Gedit should pick this format up automatically when you open a CSS file. What version of Gedit are you using?
~ Bryan

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 13:07 -0700, Micah Carrick wrote:

There's no CSS Syntax highlighting support in Gedit? Does anyone know of a CSS Highlight file already created?
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