Hi,ÂAs an alternative approach, I tried to implement per-user lockdown policies playing with user-space locals dconf-dbs.I'm afraid the following isn't working too:>>> /etc/dconf/profile/useruser-db:user>>> ~/.config/dconf/user.db/user.key
[org.gnome.desktop.lockdown]disable-log-out='true'>>> ~/.config/dconf/user.db/locks/disable-log-out.lock/org/gnome/desktop/lockdown/disable-log-outThen run dconf update and restart desktop session.Any clarification would be welcomed.ÂThanks in advance.2014-05-23 12:46 GMT+02:00 José Félix Ontañon <fontanon emergya com>:
Hi,ÂFirst, I don't know which is the right mailing list to post the following question. Otherwise, please tell me where to do.Sorry for crossposting.
After following the instructions given by the official documentation, I managed to set system-wide mandatory settings with dconf, but I've serious doubt whether is possible to create a per-user schema of mandatory settings with dconf.So, the question: is it dconf prepared for configuring mandatory user-level lockdown policies? I mean, so once a setting is configured, the user wouldn't have the chance to modify it.Below two examples of configuration used: (1) a successful conf. for locking down the desktop-background system-wide (no local user could be able to change it), and (2) an unsuccessful try of having different lockdown policies for two different users.Any clarification would be welcomed.Works! --- Example 1: locking down desktop-background system-wide --->>> /etc/dconf/profile/useruser-db:usersystem-db:local>>>Â /etc/dconf/db/local.d/locks/org/gnome/desktop/background/picture-uriThen run dconf update and restart desktop session.--------------------Not working :( --- Example 2: locking down desktop-background to test1 user, locking down disable-log-out to test2 user --->>> /etc/dconf/profile/test1user-db:usersystem-db:test1>>> /etc/dconf/profile/test2user-db:usersystem-db:test2>>>Â /etc/dconf/db/test1.d/locks/org/gnome/desktop/background/picture-uri>>>Â /etc/dconf/db/test2.d/locks/org/gnome/desktop/lockdown/disable-log-outThen run dconf update, ensure test1 and test2 has defined the DCONF_PROFILE env variable with their username, and restart desktop session.
--J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
Consultor Externo
Emergya ConsultorÃa
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77 / +34 661 91 27 26
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73
www.emergya.es--J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
Consultor Externo
Emergya ConsultorÃa
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77 / +34 661 91 27 26
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73