Re: [Gnome-devtools] debugging gtk programs

--- Roel <roel lufthansa com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Excuse me if this is off-topic, but I don't know
> where to ask, so here I
> go.
> What is the best way to debug a gtk program? If I
> just do 'run' in gdb, the
> program will do all the startup functions and I can
> trace through that, but
> then when it comes in the main loop, I loose
> control. Where can I find some
> information on this? Thanks.

You mean that you can't debug after your program
enters gtk_main()? That's normal, since at that point
control is given to gtk. Depending on what you want to
debug, set a breakpoint on that routine. For instance
if you want to debug a button, put a breakpoint on the
callback routine for the button. If you then run the
program and press the button, the debugger will be
activated and you can step through the callback


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