Building and running gIDE

I built gIDE for the first time in months tonight. 'make install' succeeded without complaints, but the the only menu options available are File|Exit, Tools|Plug-ins, Settings|Settings, Settings|Customize, and Help|About.

Any idea what what I'm doing wrong?

I haven't built from CVS in a long time and it took me a while to figure out that I needed xml-i18n-tools package and two exports before it would work. I'm posting my exact steps below in case it helps some other beginner.

-Ed Snible
esnible acm org

(First get gIDE and the packages it depends on.)

$ export CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome'
$ cvs login
$ cvs -z3 checkout gdl gnome-build gnome-debug gIDE xml-i18n-tools

$ cd xml-i18n-tools
$ sh
# make install

(The aclocal dir (on my machine, Redhat 7.1 + Ximian red carpet) is /usr/share/aclocal. The xml-i18n-tools builds to /usr/local/share/aclocal. This needs to be specified when compiling gIDE.)

$ export ACLOCAL_FLAGS='-I /usr/local/share/aclocal'

$ cd ../gdl
$ sh
# make install

(This produces a bunch of files in /usr/local/lib related to libgdl. We have to tell the system so that future configure calls to gnome-config can find the library.)

$ export GNOME_LIBCONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib

$ cd ../gnome-build
$ sh
# make install

(at this point gIDE's would succeed, but make wouldn't because gnome-debug is still needed.)

$ cd ../gnome-debug
$ sh
# make install

$ cd ../gIDE
$ sh
# make install

(gide doesn't bring up a GUI unless it has been installed)

$ gide

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